Thin Turbo Diamond Blade Designed to Cut Granite 115mm


Product Details

: TT/1.4dia
: Cuttools
: 110.0g

Product Description

High-quality diamond turbo blade

Cuts aggressively for the hardest stones without chipping

Premium reinforced core for your safety


Segment Height:10mm



The saw blade be used on granite, marble, tile, brick, refractory and ceramic products,  concrete
  • Durability and deliver chip-free performance!
  • Designed for the hardest stones
  • Cooling holes to keep the blade running true and help extend life

Unleash the Power of Choice:

  • Wet Cutting: For cleaner cuts, reduced dust, and extended blade life, utilize the wet cutting method. The water keeps your blade cool and lubricated, resulting in smoother, more precise cuts, especially on hard materials like granite, quartz,porcelain tiles

  • Dry Cutting: Need portability and convenience? No problem! This blade is engineered for dry cutting as well. Perfect for situations where water is unavailable or impractical

This blade for cutting granite is definitely a consumer favorite!
£9.00 inc. tax

£7.50 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.
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